Survey of pteridophyta from Iraq and Iraqi kurdistan region
A total of 27 species in 5 orders, 10 families, 17 genus of Pteredophyta were recorded in Iraq, four species, Salviniaspp, Marselia capen Ceratopteris halictroides, Pinus halepensis and Thujao vientalis are distributed in middle and south part of Iraq, while the rest species (23) were recorded in deferent locations of Kurdistan. The rare species are Equisetum arvens, Phylitis scolopndrium, Asplenium virid, Anogramma leptophyla and Cystopteris regia are mostly found either in one or two locations in Duhok, Slemani and Erbil governorates, while, the most common species are Equisetum ramosissimum, Cheilanthess pp. Adiantum capillus- veneris. and Asplenlinium ceterach. The new records are Cheilanthes margirata (L.) Mick Cystopteris regia (L.) Bern and Athyriumfilix- femina (L) Roth.