Monitoring of trace elements in dust fallout in shaibah, Basrah city, Iraq
Thisstudyexaminedtheimpactofclimaticfactorsonthedistributionandprevalenceofsome traceelementsinsamplesofdustfalloutfromareasneartheoilrefineryinShaibahareainthe provinceofBasrah/ Iraq.Thefallendustcollectedbyspecialcontainers monthly betweenJune2011andNovember2012.Thetrice metals(Ni,Cd,Pb,andCr) a n d i t s w e i g h t wereestimatedinthesesamples. The results showedthatnosignificantdifferencesinDWconcentration amongthe stations, both Cr and Pb have dominated in all stations but at St2 and St5 the Ni and Pb have the highest percentage. Lead, chromium and cadmium contamination may be coming from other areas as well as pollution locally due to high prevalence at all locations, while nickel appears locally polluted due to its high rates at only two stations. thehighestamountofdustfallinginautumnwasreached a t (20.51 g/m2),followedbyWinterat (15.85g/m2), Springat (14.93g/m2)andSummer at (11.15g/m2). ThePbconcentrationshavethehighestmean(14.70mg/m3)in the winter, whereasCr (7.91mg/m3)in the summer. There isnosignificantdifferenceinconcentrationofCd,Niand Pb among seasons; however, Cr has significant differences among seasons.