A histological study on the use of immobilized algae as a bioremedators to amoxicillin in Pseudodontopsis euphraticu



histological, Pseudodontopsis euphraticus, Immobilized algae, Amoxicillin


Antibiotics in the aquatic environment have a negative impact on non-target aquatic organisms. The current study intends to evaluate the effects of the toxicity of the amoxicillin antibiotic and the contribution of immobilized Chlorella vulgaris to decreasing toxicity by observing histological changes in the clam Pseudodontopsis euphraticus. The results demonstrated that seven days of exposure to amoxicillin in different concentrations of 100, 200, and 300 mg/L caused significant histological changes, including cell infiltration, haemocytes, cell degeneration, large lymphatic spaces between the tubes, necrosis of the cells of the digestive glands, and narrowing of the tubular lumen, while histological changes to the gills included an anterior fusion of the cilia, hyperplasia of cells, infiltration of blood cells, necrosis, and rupture of epithelial cellse specially in concentrations of 200 and 300 mg/L, The results of the present study showed that immobilized C. vulgaris contributed effectively to reducing amoxicillin toxicity by alleviating the histological changes in freshwater clams  P. euphraticus. The aim of the study was to use histological changes to evaluate the use of immobilized algae in reducing the toxic effect of amoxilcillin on Pseudodontopsis euphraticus




How to Cite

Salman, J. M., Obaid, Z. H., & Kadhim, N. F. (2023). A histological study on the use of immobilized algae as a bioremedators to amoxicillin in Pseudodontopsis euphraticu. Mesopotamia Environmental Journal (mesop. Environ. J) ISSN: 2410-2598, 7(2), 36–45. Retrieved from https://mej.uobabylon.edu.iq/index.php/mej/article/view/158


