Effect of Iron and Cadmium on Some Biochemical Factor in Blood Smokers .


  • Iqbal fadhal alwan , , Ammar M. Hmmode,


In this study including estimating the concentration values of some heavy metal  (Iron and cadmium) as well as measuring some of the Biochemical factors in the blood smokers groups liver enzyme   

Alanine aminotransferase (ALT),Asparatate   aminotransferase (AST) ,  and alkaline phosphtase ALP)  and Malondialdehyde antioxidant (MDA) and the peoples  study groups contains (150) presence , divided into three groups , and the persons smokers divided into two groups each group consist of (50) of smokers according to the time smoking period , age and no. of cigarette per day ,   the first group from( 1-10years) and the second groups  more (than 10 years), the age was between (25-55years ), the number cigarettes smokers per day 40 cigarettes , and the third group of 50 healthy negative smokers.

Estimated amount of cadmium and Iron elements have been found to be higher level concentration in blood smokers groups compared with negative-smokers groups)  and also were measured some biochemical factor in blood of  smokers groups , we found to be higher levels ( liver enzymes  ,ALT, AST. and ALP ) and antioxidant MDA) were  compared with blood of the healthy peoples groups negative smokers ( control groups) .  

 The results indicated that there were significant differences (p< 0.001) in the levels of  heavy metals cadmium and Iron and biochemical  factor in blood of the smokers groups because  exposure to high concentrations of  pollutants of cigarette smokers , compared with  negative -smokers groups (control).




How to Cite

Iqbal fadhal alwan , , Ammar M. Hmmode,. (2022). Effect of Iron and Cadmium on Some Biochemical Factor in Blood Smokers . Mesopotamia Environmental Journal (mesop. Environ. J) ISSN: 2410-2598, 6(1), 55–65. Retrieved from https://mej.uobabylon.edu.iq/index.php/mej/article/view/132