Mycoremedation of total and hexavlent chromium from tannery wastewater using fungus Trichoderma harizianum


  • Nida'a S.Hamad, Mayson M. Al-Taee, Enas R.Al-kidsawey


The current study was conducted to study the ability of Trichoderma harizianum for removing total and hexavalent chromium from tannary wastewater in laboratory .The experiment continue for thirteen days ,chemical and physical characteristics total and hexavalent chromium concentration were tested in the days (1,4,7,10and 13) and biomass in the end of experimental is weighted. Results shows that pH value change from( 8.6-3.2) and removal percent for Total dissolved solids ,Total alkalinity, total hardness, calcium and magnesium hardness ,nitrite ,nitrate and ,sulphate, total chromium ,hexavalent chromium and biomass (97.54%,90%,97.77%,87.97%,99%,95%,84.66%,90%).While the removal percent for total and hexavalent chromium were 70.18% and 99.67% respectively . The experiment show increasing in fungus biomass in the end of experiment period .




How to Cite

Nida’a S.Hamad, Mayson M. Al-Taee, Enas R.Al-kidsawey. (2022). Mycoremedation of total and hexavlent chromium from tannery wastewater using fungus Trichoderma harizianum. Mesopotamia Environmental Journal (mesop. Environ. J) ISSN: 2410-2598, 2(3), 34–41. Retrieved from